
“Queers, Conservation and Magic”

Begins February 1, 2021

15% of profits at Smile Tiger will be donated to the indigenous community to aid in land conservation and restoring cultural practices (organization will be chosen after the show)

“Memory of Spirit (2)” Acrylic

“Memory of Spirit (2)” Acrylic

“Rising Spirit” Watercolour

“Rising Spirit” Watercolour

“Memory of Spirit (3)” Acrylic

“Memory of Spirit (3)” Acrylic

“Old Maple (2)” Acrylic

“Old Maple (2)” Acrylic

Special thanks to the staff at Smile Tiger Coffee for displaying my work!



HWH&G Instructor Show

Homer Watson House and Gallery

November 6, 2020 - January 3, 2021

“Winter” is a collection of art by instructors at HWH&G based on a winter theme. Logan has featured a few illustrations of their characters “Little Blue Fox and Finch” for this show; they have worked with LBF&F in hopes to one day have a published children’s book!

Peace, Quiet and Gooseberry Jam web.png

“Who” not “What” (Solo Exhibition)

Homer Watson House & Gallery

September 12- November 2, 2020

“What draws me to forests is this visceral feeling of needing connection. The forest has helped me in two ways: Finding my identity and working through a major phobia. I have lived for 27 years with debilitating “emetophobia” (fear of vomiting). In 2017 I chose to get help. Through my time healing from emetophobia I have learned what dissociation really feels like. Disconnected from my body, there was no way to connect with others and the community. I felt like I was watching my life go by like a movie. In 2019 I was relieved to finally come out of dissociation. In my healing process a thought came to me: Through Covid-19 a number of news articles on what started the pandemic were published. The destruction of forests plays a monumental part in creating pandemics. I believe if we are truly connected to our planet we would not be harming it to the extent we are. I believe, like I was from my body, we are simply dissociated from our own planet. Just as you would dissociate and self harm in mental illness - I believe we are self harming on a greater scale due to disconnection. Think of a cedar tree as you would your own grandmother, appreciate the shade a pine gives you on a hot day. Feel or smell their bark mindfully. I invite you to connect to the forest around you in a way you would a “Who” not a “What”.

15% of all proceeds go to Land Back Camp, Victoria Park, Kitchener”

-Logan (Lolo) Soeder

September 2020

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Photo by Brenda Reid

Reception Youtube Video:

A warm thank you to the contributing artists of the “Who” not “What” reception video: Mara S. Domingo, Jim Parrot and Tristan Fassel

A big thank you to the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund for funding this project!

A big thank you to the Region of Waterloo Arts Fund for funding this project!